Specialist Advice Services
Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove runs an Advice Service that offers advice on any topic, available to all, by freephone or email, Monday to Friday.
We also provide a range of specialist projects that advise people who are in particular situations, on specific topics.
The service provides a free, confidential welfare benefits advice service to people affected by cancer and their carers, throughout Sussex.
We are able to provide advice by appointment.
We can advise and assist with applications for all welfare benefits.
The service is available Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
To book an appointment or speak to the Administrator please call between 10am and 3pm or you are welcome to leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.
Telephone / Text:
07483 171 832
Email: horizon.benefits@nhs.net
Energyworks - our Energy Advice Service
Energyworks is a partnership project between Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove (CABH) and Brighton & Hove Energy Services Coop (BHESCo).
We provide a free and impartial advice service to Brighton and Hove residents experiencing fuel poverty, to help them reduce their utility bills and make their homes warmer.
Energyworks Adviceline: 0333 090 9150
Lines are open:
Monday 10.00 – 13.00 and 13.30 – 16.00
Tuesday 10.00 – 13.00 and 13.30 – 16.00
Wednesday 10.00 – 13.00 and 13.30 – 16.00
Thursday 10.00 – 13.00
Friday 10.00 – 13.00 and 13.30 – 16.00
Email: energyworks@cabrightonhove.org
You can find more information about Energyworks and other energy advice and support, here.
Debt Advice
Our Money Advice Service Debt Advice Project provides help to people who have financial problems.
This service provides advice and representation with:
- making a fresh start by clearing debts through bankruptcy and
- Debt Relief Orders
- reducing credit card payments
- Check entitlements to benefits and find other ways to increase income
challenging liability for debts that the client does not have to pay - defending money claims against the client and helping to complete court forms
- problems with bailiffs and other enforcement methods such as deduction from earnings
To access this service contact our Advice line on 08082 78 78 15 or email us through our site, here.
Our Money Advice Service Debt Advice Project is currently unavailable.
In the meantime, you can refer to this list of local and national organisations that offer debt related support.
Get help applying for Universal Credit
Our Help to Claim service can support you in the early stages of your Universal Credit claim, from the application, through to your first payment.
Help to Claim is a dedicated service from Citizens Advice. It’s free, independent and confidential. Our trained advisers can help with things like how to gather evidence for your application or how to prepare for your first JobCentre appointment.
Call us for free: 0800 144 8 444 (England)
Chat to an adviser online: citizensadvice.org.uk/helptoclaim
For online advice visit: citizensadvice.org.uk/helptoclaim
Advice for people on the Major Trauma ward of Royal Sussex County Hospital
Our Major Trauma Signposting Partnership provides support and advice to people with serious injuries as a result of major trauma on matters such as welfare benefits, housing, legal services and more. Available from a referral on the ward only.
Leading advice partnerships in Brighton and Hove - Moneyworks
Moneyworks is a partnership of advice charities led by the Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove with Money Advice Plus, Brighton Housing Trust’s Advice Centre, St Luke’s Advice Service and Possability People and the Community Education Hubs: Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project, Hangleton & Knoll Project and the Whitehawk Inn. East Sussex Credit Union are also a partner.
Leading advice partnerships in Brighton and Hove - Advice Matters
Advice Matters is a partnership of advice charities. The partnership delivers person-centred, community-focused and flexible advice services with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of Brighton and Hove residents. Advice Matters combines the experience, expertise, accreditation and quality assurance of: Citizens Advice Brighton and Hove , Brighton Housing Trust Advice Centre, St Luke’s Advice Service, Money Advice Plus, and the YMCA Youth Advice Centre.
Free pension advice service for over 50s
Pension Wise is a free and impartial government service about the different ways you can take money from your pension.
You can book a phone appointment – a 45-minute conversation between you and a Pension Wise guidance specialist – by ringing this number: 0800 138 3944 or booking online at: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/pensions-and-retirement/pension-wise
You’ll get guidance on:
- your pension options
tax - which options might
- be suitable for you
- what you can do next
For the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, all appointments will be held over the phone.
At the end you get a summary of the pension options and possible next steps.
To book an appointment you should be 50 years old or over and have a defined contribution pension.
Pension Wise guidance specialists are impartial – they don’t recommend any products or companies and won’t tell you how to invest your money.
Advice on consumer issues
The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline is a telephone and on-line service offering information and advice on consumer issues in the UK.
It provides advice if you have a problem with goods and services in the UK and will explain your consumer rights.
Some examples of where the Consumer Helpline can help are
- Advise you if you have a problem or disagreement with a trader.
- Help you make a complaint about a trader that you believe has done something wrong.
- Provide general advice on how to avoid unscrupulous traders or “cowboys”.
- Explain consumer-related issues such as warranties, buying on credit, Internet shopping, refunds and replacements etc.
- Provide advice on avoiding trading scams and rip-offs.
- Direct you to a regulator or other organisation if it is better suited to assist you.
They can be contacted on 03454 04 05 06 and online at www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/if-you-need-more-help-about-a-consumer-issue/